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Title: Covid-19: Safety Precautions and Practical Prevention from Islamic Teachings
Authors: Nurul Iman Mohd Zain 
Keywords: safety precautions, practical prevention, epidemic controls, Islamic teachings
Issue Date: 9-Dec-2020
Publisher: Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Conference: International e-Colloquium in Language and Humanities 2020 
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (namely as COVID-19) pandemic brought
distinct challenges to the care of people globally. The virus itself has no race, no region, no
nationality, no boundary, no country and no passport. It can travel anywhere without any rules and
restriction, so the effect is, it can affect the lives of people and can even kill them. The coronavirus
causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. As to date, the virus is
affecting 214 countries and territories around the world (Worldometers, 2020). In Malaysia, the
total number of confirmed infections is 49, 730 with 318 deaths (KKM, 2020). As a result, many
governments and leaders of countries have responded by declaring and applying protective
measures, while mankind and medical workers in particular, on the one hand, are doing remarkably
important efforts to save lives, and scientist and researchers, on the other hand, are racing against
the time to find a healing cure. The Islamic teachings, in turn, seems to be part of the solution and
might be a way to find healing cure to stop the spread of the virus. Therefore, the aim of this article
is to show some of the evidence of Islamic practices based on the Qur’an and Sunnah regarding to
practical prevention and safety precautions towards the epidemics.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development - Other publication

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