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Title: Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of Emergency Forced Remote Education in Learning English
Authors: Liyana Ahmad Afip 
Norshazrina Sabri 
Aveleena Afzan Hassan 
Keywords: Covid-19, English language course, emergency remote online education, higher education, Malaysia.
Issue Date: 2020
Conference: International Conference On Ummah: Digital Innovation, Humanities And Economy (ICU: DIHEc) 2020 
The Covid-19 has changed the education landscape around the world including Malaysia. Malaysia has been
experiencing the Movement Control Order where learning activities are forced to be in a form of remote
learning. Although online learning is commonly used in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions, this study
argues that the emergency forced remote education and remote online education are not the same. This study
investigates students’ experience in learning English via emergency forced remote education. Students from
eight English classes were requested to answer survey at the end of the semester. It was found that majority of
the students were satisfied with the English course despite the challenges they have faced in completing the
tasks and assessments given. The empathetic approach implemented has helped the students to gain positive
learning experience. Based on these findings, possible ways to improve the course design and delivery are
discussed and future studies are suggested.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development - Proceedings

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