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Title: Identifying Online Purchase Behaviour Through Price Perception, Marketing Communication and Web Design
Authors: A. Wardhani 
Tse Guan, Tan 
Keywords: Price Perception;Marketing Communication;Web Design;Purchase Behaviour
Issue Date: 2020
Journal: Arts and Design Studies 
Within the conduct of the study, the research adopted the TAM (Technology Acceptance) theory as the basis for identifying the factors that influence the customers to perform transactions through online sites. Furthermore, within the study as well the researcher would like to adopt the TPB (Theory Planned Behaviour) as the support of TAM theory in predicting the online consumer behaviours within the online sites. On the other hand, in analysing the respondent characteristics the researcher will run the SPSS software while in analysing the data the researcher have been run by using the PLS 3.0. In the same time, survey by means of questionnaire distribution carried out toward the respondents who used to perform transactions through online sites. Finally, this research found that the price perception, marketing communication and web design have positive and significant impact on purchase decisions
ISSN: 2224-6061
DOI: 10.7176/ADS/81-01
Appears in Collections:Journal Indexed Era/Google Scholar and Others - FTKW

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