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Title: Methyl farnesoate enhances hemolymph protein levels and hepatopancreatic index in male crab Ozithelphusa senex senex cultured in Ca(OH)2or EDTA medium
Authors: Pamuru R.R. 
Hosamani N. 
Mohammed, A. 
Keywords: Crustacean protein;hemolymph;hepatopancreatic index
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: American Institute of Physics Inc.
Conference: AIP Conference Proceedings 
Crustacean protein has valued importance in the worldwide food market. Growth enhancement in crustaceans attributed by various factors.In male crab Oziothelphusa senex senex(O. senex senex) the role of MF alone and MF in Ca(OH)2 or EDTA medium in regulating the protein content of hemolymph and hepatopancreas index was tested in this study.Male crabs were maintained MF alone(10-8 moles/crab) and MF (10-8 moles/crab) in Ca(OH)2(1.4 mM) and EDTA (5 mM) mediumtested for hemolymph protein levels and hepatopancreatic index during molt induction on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day of experiment.Concurrent control with vehicle administration and eyestalk ablated (ESX; a positive control) groups were also maintained along with experimental groups. Concurrent controls are in intermolt and has no change in hemolymph protein and hepatopancreatic index compared to controls. The hemolymph protein levels and hepatopancreatic index was increased from intermolt (C4) to early premolt (D1) and decrease through middle (D2, D3) to late (D4) premolt and molt in experimental male crabs. The high amount of hemolymph protein and hepatopancreatic index among experimental groups during molt different molt stages observed in MF 10-8 moles/crab maintained in Ca(OH)2. It is evidenced that MF injected male crabs maintained in Ca(OH)2 medium is more effective for molt induction via elevated hemolymph protein and hepatopancreas index in crab O. senex senex.
ISBN: 978-073544193-4
ISSN: 0094243X
DOI: 10.1063/5.0079094
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Agro - Based Industry - Proceedings

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